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Thursday 12 December 2013

Solo Trailer Review - The Purge

Year Released: 2013

Genre: Action Horror

During the trailer it varies between slow montages and quick montages and focuses more on the action than the gore.

Positive aspects of the trailer that I especially liked was the contrapuntal classical music that was used in the background near the end which gives the trailer more length as it links to the context of the film. This context is that crime levels are increasing in America and the flag at the end shows the patriotic nature of the film. I also liked that during the quickest montages there is a heartbeat effect in the musical score for the trailer. This score included a metallic noise which suggests a knife and other sharp objects that matched the pace of which the trailer was edited to.

However, unsuccessful aspects include that I found the font style boring and thought that they could have included the plot more using footage than text which was not as effective as it could have been. I also found that the shots fading to black quickly became boring and then irritating.

I give this trailer a 8/10 as I thought that the use of sound and context in the trailer made it interesting and more original than other trailers I have watched and it successfully held my interest till the end.

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